On 3/19/21 12:34 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 19/03/2021 12.25, Gustav Degreef wrote:
Yes, the router has a firewall enabled by default. There are basic and
advanced security settings. The basic is to enable (or not) SPI Firewall - Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI). Not sure if this is sufficient to block all ssh connections from the internet. I could not see if there is a facility to block/allow specific protocols such as ssh.
I will now look at the zones and NetworkManager settings more closely. Takes me time due to my visual disability. Gustav.
Typically, the most basic and default configuration will do. You don't have to do anything besides knowing the firewall is "up".
The default state of a firewall is "block everything". The only things that pass it from outside are the replies to connections that came out from inside, so the firewall tracks the connections.
You only need to configure the firewall if you want something specific to get "in" (connections that start from outside). For instance, some games needs adjustments on the firewall in order to play with other people on internet. Or some VoIP (internet telephone) applications.
Excellent. Carlos, thanks a lot for the explanation, Gustav