On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 21:24, Curtis Rey wrote:
On Monday 08 December 2003 10:49, Donald Henson wrote:
Help. i upgraded to the latest version of Galeon from the ULB repository and now Galeon won't load. When I click on the icon, I get the hour glass icon for about 5 seconds or so and then it quits without Galeon running. Any suggestions?
Don Henson
Galeon is extensibly a front end for Mozilla. The versions need to match (sort of). In otherwords, if you have moz 1.5 and the version of Galeon your using isn't compiled for that version it will fail. Check to see what version of Moz you have. I can also be that certain dependant packages aren't installed or mismatched. Outside of having all the dependencies met, missmatched Moz to Galeon versions is a likely culprit.
HTH, Curtis.
You must be right. I used Synaptic to upgrad/install any package that had Mozilla anywhere in the listing. After that, I was able to open Galeon. Don Henson