On 06/05/2021 10.58, -pj wrote:
I recently attempted to Hold/Lock a specific kernel in place on openSUSE TW. My hardware is 32 bit so I am currently inhibited by having to load
a specific kernel-release (a newer release is not allowing the computer
to boot). See the following link if you are interested in more details on the filed bug report: -> https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1185542
I edited the following file with Kate text editor /etc/zypp/zypp.conf scrolled down to line 554 and edited the following entry to: multiversion.kernels = latest,running,5.11.16-1-pae
" Keep the last two kernels and the one currently running.
multiversion.kernels = latest,running,5.11.16-1-pae "
I think it is correct.
I saved the edited file and closed Kate. I then opened /etc/zypp/zypp.conf and verified that in fact the entry I created had been saved. Then I powercycled the computer (maybe twice I am not certain-most likely only once). Needless to say that the boot menu has no more listing for "kernel-5.11.16-1-pae". There were 2 listing's for kernel-5.12.series (both unbootable).
Wait, what you edited does not touch the boot menu at all. What it does is making zypper keep that kernel when you do updates. And rebooting is pointless to test that edit, you have to try "zypper up --test" or something like that. The boot menu is handled by grub2. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.2 x86_64 at Telcontar)