Needs another bump up as ive had no reply yet :( ----------------------------------------------- Sent by Signup for your free 100mb Mail account today! Full pop3/smtp accounts available!! ----------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- Subject: [SLE] Problems with susefirewall2 Hi y'all, Im running suse9.2 on my server box connected via wireless to my desktop machine. Im trying to poke through certain ports from my suse box onto my desktop machine. When I use the firewall wizard in yast and use the "expert options" to open the ports (4000:4200) shields up! Lists them as "closed". When I run the command iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $OUTIF -p tcp --dport 1000:1010 -j DNAT --to iptables -A INPUT -i $OUTIF -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT where $OUTIF is the the outside interface and where is the address of my desktop machine, suse closes them off. Any ideas? If you want my iptables-L dump I can post that :-) djXtreme (newbie) -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the archives at Please read the FAQs: