On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 01:33:52AM -0700, Preston Crawford wrote:
On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 04:24 -0400, Allen wrote:
On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 01:11:20AM -0700, Preston Crawford wrote:
On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 03:58 -0400, Allen wrote:
On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 12:52:41AM -0700, Preston Crawford wrote:
On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 03:40 -0400, Allen wrote:
On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 09:48:17PM -0700, Preston Crawford wrote: > On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 22:07 -0400, Allen wrote: > > On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 12:14:46PM -0700, Preston Crawford wrote: > > > > > > > > > On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Kevanf1 wrote: > > > > > > > Sorry Mike but I think his problems started with a YOU update not an > > > > upgrade. YOU updates should really be stable. > > > > > > Indeed. This is what happened. And they should be stable. > > > > > > Preston > > > > Before this gets out of hand: > > > > Features, hardware support, and stability, are three things and none of > > them are related. If you want features to make it rival Windows, don't > > expect stability. If you want good hardware support, same thing, new > > hardwre can't work unless it isn't tested as much. If you spend all the > > time testing for bugs it doesn't get released. > > > > SUSE is the only distro onn earth that I've ever seen mix these all > > together without being unstable. > > > > Look at the most stable OSs in the World: > > > > BSD > > > > Solaris > > > > AIX > > > > Slackware > > > > Now when is the last time you saw any of those have flashy new features? > > > > SUSE can easily stay up, I've never had it crash and I use FTP, HTTP, and a > > million things on it and the box isn't even near the RAM it should have. It > > doesn't crash. > > > > > > > > Firefox is a flash new browser, if you want stability instead, use Netcat. > > Oh please. > > #1 - This isn't the first time YOU has broken something recently. I had > it break a kernel on my once recently because the mirror was bad. > Ridiculous. > > #2 - Firefox is a pretty basic piece of software. I don't see why they > shouldn't test it before releasing it. I've been using Linux solely as a > home OS for over 4 years and have rarely if ever had a problem with the > web browser. Not on SuSE, at least.
No browser is basic, if you truely believe that, quit your day job, and buy a big calculator. That's one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on this list.
Oh come on. You know what I meant. I didn't mean basic like it's simple. I meant basic as in basic functionality to the distro. It's a basic part of any OS these days. It's highly important, commonly used, etc.
And that last reply you made, the guy said he didn't even update with YAST and you said "But it IS a SUSE problem"....*Sigh*.
Oh please.
Don't you understand what I'm trying to say? The bug is in Firefox. I get that. But SUSE should have some level of quality control. So in so far as they released untested and broken software it IS their problem. I pay them $80 per release so they can bundle and provide me with solid stable updates. If they fail to do this, that's their problem. There are hundreds of distros that are just slapped together where I can download the latest Firefox. Heck, I can do that on my own. But my time is valuable, so I pay SUSE so they only drop software like Firefox into YOU when it's stable and ready to go. If I'm doing the testing of all the software, why should I bother using SUSE again?
So because they released a browser fix that you alone seem to be having... Wait I forgot, all those usenet news sites saying the same things.... So all of it is untested and buggy?
I didn't say all of it. Once again, you're going off the deep end. I'm simply saying I've read of problems with 9.3. And then when I personally see crucial components being released as untested and buggy I look at the big picture and I start to worry. The kind of response I was hoping for was "don't worry, SUSE is on top of it" or "those are aberrations still". Something to let me know that I'm wrong. Something beyond just hurling insults and calling me names.
And I look at the fact when 9.2 came out the SAME things were said. and you knwo what? When 9.1 came out, SAME stuff (Oh this is terrible everything is buggy and look what they did!")... I hear it every time a new release comes out. Don't tell me you would not get tired of it. It happens every 6 months for a month, meaning after you finally stop I only have 5 months until it happens again.
So don't read the emails. That's simple enough. I don't have the bandwidth to read this list all the time. So I only pop on once in a while to check the pulse of the community or to see why something is going wrong and if I'm alone. I wouldn't stay on here, read it all, then fly of the handle at people, as you seem prone to doing.
I was waiting for you to finally say that. I set you up to say that, and finally you do. Now, if you don't think I should read the mails, why on Earth are you bothering with mine? In 2 hours I've gotten you to reply to my every mail, say something I was waiting for you to say, and then hopefully, make you realise how pointless it was. Don't read my emails. It's THAT simple. If you don't have the bandwidth, why reply to me each time? You are compelled lol.
Yea, that's logical... I've watched you sit and whine about how your browser is all broken and then threaten to use Fedora.... Lol, have you ever actually USED Fedora? My God, you couldn't get up2date to download the updates without it freezing... You have to download like 10 at a time so it doesn't freeze up on you and then you have to sart it again hoping it won't freeze again.
I've used FC before. Used it for a year without problems. My little brother still uses FC1 and he's a Linux noob.
After 200 installs ( and for once I'm not beng sarcastic) up2date was about as stable as Windows ME.
Well, that's your experience. And since you're so quick to call my experience irrelevant then why should I give any more credence to your experience?
I really don't care if you do or not.
Lol, you go install Fedora and tell me it's as unstable as SUSE is. I've never used a Linux distro as bad as Fedora. The updates in SUSE are what you're whining about, and after 9000 times you won't email SUSE, you know,
It's up to 9000 times now?
Open up a dictionary. Turn to the pages that hold meanings for satyricon, and sarcasm.
I know what sarcasm is. I know that's what you're "attempting" to do. But usually sarcasm is funny. Not just mean and rude. Mean and rude are just that, mean and rude.
That's your opinion.
the people who can do something about this? EMAIL THEM ALREADY. How can they fix something they don't know?
My... um... 9000 emails aren't about SuSE making a fix. I'll wait for the fix. My... uh... 9000 emails are a discussion about the relative stability of SuSE at this point. The fact that rather than joining in this discussion or choosing not to join it, you choose to insult me, tells me something about you. Me, I fixed the problem a long time ago. I'm just concerned about SuSE as someone who has used them almost solely since 8.0 (minus that year where I used Fedora also).
While you wait, install Fedora. Then try and update the whole system at once like you can with SUSE and Slackware, and come back and tell us it was worse.
I have almost 100 OSs, everything from DOS to Windows to Unix to Linux, SUSE remains my top, with Slackware in second place. Free BSD may catch up with Slackware some day when they realise people don't all use a common set
okay.... Argument ended. I can't argue with that. You proved me wrong across the board.
Or maybe you do know what sarcasm means.
I know what sarcasm is. You're just rude.
There you are calling me names again. You're rude.
Email 10000 over.
You went from 9,000 to 10,000 in one message? Wow I think I know why you have stability issues.
I was just beating you to the punch.
Can we end this now? Or do you have more of your trademarked sarcasm for me?
Rarely do I use any decent sarcasm here. Way to many people here don't have a sense of humor as it is.
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