Hello, all. Been gone a while. Got my copy of 7.3 in the mail the other day, and now I've got it installed w/o too many problems (mainly due to me still being used to the way yast was 5.3-7.0), as a Minimal Install, and a few extras installed here and there. I installed inetd and leafnode, as the first thing I want to do w/ this box is set up a local nntp server for Usenet. I've done it before w/o any problems, which makes things kind of puzzling this time round. I edited /etc/leafnode/config appropriately, uncommented the nntp/leafnode line in /etc/inetd.conf, did the '/etc/init.d/inetd reload' bit, ran 'fetchnews -vvv', which successfully connected to my ISP's news server and got a list of groups. I ran yast and modified /etc/rc.config to have NNTPSERVER=localhost. Everything worked ok up to this point. I fired up slrn w/ 'slrn -f /home/monte/.newsrc --create' and it gives me the following error: monte@lansvr:~> slrn -f /home/monte/.newsrc --create slrn [2001-06-06] Reading startup file /etc/slrn/slrn.rc Using newsrc file /home/monte/.newsrc for server localhost Connecting to host localhost ... Failed to initialize server Reason: slrn fatal error: Failed to initialize server. monte@lansvr:~> Any ideas, suggestions or comments? TIA, Monte _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com