Op 14-06-12 16:15, Basil Chupin schreef:
On 14/06/12 23:59, Anton Aylward wrote:
Oddball said the following on 06/14/2012 09:28 AM:
I must say that 4 me personally, i rather would like the apps to just work, instead of taking a lot of valuable time to adjust them
Oh well then the answer is easy, don't use Linux.
Go use a "fascist" OS like Windows rather than a "democratic" one like Linux that gives you 'freedom of choice'.
OK, so I'm over-stating it; you can go out and load firefox for Windows and configure it there; heck, you can even get a version of KDE to run on Windows, so I'm told.
But if you don't want to accept the defaults then you have to make the effort to reconfigure, and Linux gives you a lot more, and a lot more easily accessible, meaningful choices than Windows. Oh, yes, Windows may offer choices, but how many of therm are gratuitous, are 'eye candy'?
Lets see, you're using KDE? Then the default browser if Konqueror, and a good browser it is. It may lack the plug-ins of Firefox but I find it display videos that I can't reliably view with Firefox. And yes, Konqueror "just works", it works just fine.
Lets see, you're using KDE? Then the default email read is KMail. Many people prefer it to Thunderbird, though I'm not one of them.
Are you using Gnome? Then the defaults and how you configure things are different. But then again you may be using one of the other desktop managers, LXDE, XFCE, FVWM, BlackBox, FluxBox, RatPoison, WM2 and WMX ... and many more.
Each has their own defaults and settings, and of you don't like them you can change them, or change the desktop manager.
If you find this literation, this freedom of choice and the decisions that freedom forces on you, as as happened to some people in some countries that have converted from a totalitarian government to a democracy, then yes, go and use a OS where you don't have to make these choices, where the only choices you are compelled to make are high restricted and amount to 'eye-candy'.
Oh right, there always Apple's OSX, which "just works", but it seems you pay a premium for that and I'm not sure how much freedom of choice you are left with compared to Linux.
Perhaps Neal Stephenson's "In the Beginning was the Command Line" need updating as so much of it is now out of date http://www.cryptonomicon.com/beginning.html
Anton, did you just fall out of your tree? :-)
Or did you forget to take your meds? :-)
Well, he succeeded earlier in driving me away from this list, and from openSUSE. I guess he hates it 2 c me here again. Maybe he thinks it is his private list. He, and some other special selected few, handpicked by the great Anton himself, may come and speak here. Just go on, drive anybody with a different opinion away from the list. I wonder what's the most 'fascist' like. @Anton: Your mail ended in the junk automaticly, without me prepping a filter 4 it.. ;-) BC's reply showed ur flames towards me... It is realy a shame that ppl like you think they own linux and this list... -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org