On Tuesday 23 September 2003 13:43, Tom Allison wrote:
I'm struggling with the sound on my desktop.
It's terribly lagging, often to the point of distortion. artsd is also running ~100% CPU even when nothing is going on.
desktop applications seem to have sound OK (k-desktop games), but the browser doesn't have anything that works. It is inconsistent. It either has no sound, or badly distorted sound (almost 1/2 speed).
What's worse is I running into this on more than one machine. So I'm a little leary about settings in general and not "just a hardware" problem.
Never having used KDE before I'm not really sure what to try.
In the control center / Sound Multi Media / Sound system check to see if the Enable full duplex is on, and turn it off if it is on. And just for the record, I very much disagree with the other post that said artsd is to be avoided. Without it you get simplex sound, with it you get multiplexed sound which allows you to listen to music and still here other sound effects or what-ever. Artsd is quit cool. -- _____________________________________ John Andersen