There's a relatively new magazine (PDF Format) online entilted 'Tux' that is billing itself as 'The First And Only Magazine for the New Linux User' that you can find at Although it's main function is an attempt to aid in the transition from Windows to Linux, it also offers interesting articles/editorials for the average Linux user. But, mainly, folks coming over from Windows to Suse Linux may receive a lot of insight reading it. It is distribution neutral (although they do review distro's) but with a KDE leaning bent. So far in the 3 issues released it has averaged approx 48 - 50 pages per issue of colorful, image laden content. The folks who maintain and/or publish Linux Journal (, Linux Gazette ( and Doc's IT Garage ( (SSC Publishing - Phil Huges) are responsible for this offering. This months issue (issue 3) tackles K3b, Tux Paint for Kids, IPod and Linux and a few other bits of news/reviews including a look at MEPIS 3.3. Hope someone finds this useful!