On Tuesday 30 September 2003 12:43 am, Jerome Lyles wrote:
On Sunday 28 September 2003 14:26, Franklin Maurer wrote:
On Sunday 28 September 2003 12:59 pm, Jerome Lyles wrote: <major snip>
Hello Franklin, From what you've said I think there are errors. Here is my sources.list:
# All possible components at 15 April 2003, some components provide
April 15th?
# experimental software. Select wisely. # The list with all available components # can be found at: http://linix01.gwdg.de/apt4rpm
rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/8.2-i386 update-prpm update kde suse-people security-prpm security base gnome2 xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin suser-kpietrz suser-tcousin funktronics packman packman-i686 mantel-kernel wine kde3-stable
Ok I'd remove update prpm, suse-people, security-prpm, gnome2( because it doesn't exist on the apt mirrors anymore), mozilla (because usr-local-bin will replace it), suser-k & t, mantel-kernel, wine (I don't think thats offered anymore either). You also had usr-local-bin in sources.list(3rd line under kde)
rpm http://www.usr-local-bin.org SuSE/8.2-i386 update rpm http://www.funktronics.ca/pub/rpm/apt SuSE/8.2-i386 update
These are wrong.. funktronics and usr-local-bin are in your sources.list rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/8.2-i386 update kde security base xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin funktronics packman packman-i686 Just replace the part you quoted, with this section... rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/8.2-i386 update kde security base xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin funktronics packman packman-i686 run apt-get update and then use synaptic. IMHO don't use apt-get upgrade because there are some packages that I can't upgrade on my system or because they'll remove packages you might need. Just upgrade a bit at a time(all of gnome, then kde ...) HTH -- Franklin Maurer Using SuSE 8.2 Pro