On Saturday 08 March 2003 17:06, Michael Sacco wrote:
As you could read from my earlier email, I have tried what the DB says, with no avail. I placed "acpi=off apm=on" in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file for options on boot.
whoops, sorry Michael. i had the same problem with my laptop and the advise from sdb was appropriate for me. i'm sure original suse kernel has compiled apm support in (see /boot/vlinuz.config). i do not use grub (just after 8.1 installation i've replaced grub by well known by me lilo). maybe these option are not transferred to kernel? have you tried manually write append="acpi=off" during boot? my /etc/lilo.conf: # Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Sun Mar 2 10:08:11 2003 boot = /dev/hda change-rules reset read-only menu-scheme = Wb:kw:Wb:Wb lba32 prompt timeout = 80 message = /boot/message image = /boot/vmlinuz label = linux root = /dev/hda2 vga = 791 initrd = /boot/initrd append = "acpi=off" password = xxx restricted -- Emcek emcek@poczta.onet.pl --------------r-e-k-l-a-m-a----------------- Szukasz banku bez prowizji ? mBank - zaloz konto http://epieniadze.onet.pl/mbank