On Mon, 27 Sept 2021 at 12:35, Patrick Shanahan <paka@opensuse.org> wrote:
Georgia, fwiw I'm having the same issue with Chrome. After an update a week or two ago, the download dialog box both appeared and behaved differently. Then after another update on the 23rd, download does not work at all now (worked on the 22nd) . . . furthermore, saving a file to pdf via the print dialog, saving a pdf file downloaded into a tab, and saving an image off a web page, all do not work now.
I've found nothing in the logs or on the net to explain it.
on the factory list there has been converstation about the glibc update not being followed or adapted for chrome based applications. a fix is being worked on
I am having this issue now with Chrome and Chromium in Leap 15.2. Both saving a download and saving a print as PDF just flash the pop-up window and don't save anything. Is there something we can do regarding the glibc library? I have the version 2.26-lp152.26.12.1 from November 4th, so it should have been fixed from September, no? CarlosFL -- Carlos F Lange Gaúcho nas Pradarias https://sites.google.com/site/carlosflange/