Interesting. I sent an email after this saying that Abiword wigged out on a 16 page .doc file that had no macros. A doc file created and saved in OO so not much weird MS stuff going on with it. I just scp'ed the doc home to work on it some more and decided after seeing your email to give Abiword another go around. It preformed just fine changing the fonts ..which it bombed on last time. hmm.. very weird. Don't have a clue why it would do that. Do you by change? To many fonts?
Possibly, when it bombs, my usual response is to file a bug report, but where it's font related, I'm slightly wary, as my packages include a kludge patch to get around the fact that SuSE 8.2's fontconfig is not upgradable in a sane way (use --force? Eew, no thanks!) and is quite an old version. So, if you can live with it like that till 9.0 when I can remove that patch, and we have a decent, up-to-date, upgradable fontconfig, and then see if it still happens, that would be great... :) -- James Ogley, Webmaster, Rubber Turnip Jabber: Using Free Software since 1994, running GNU/Linux (SuSE 8.2). GNOME updates for SuSE: