1 Dec
1 Dec
On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 12:26:57 -0600
Jay Vollmer <jvollmer@visi.com> wrote:
Try putting it in /etc/rc.d/boot.local
Or if you have a recent version of sane you can put it directly in your scanner's config file in /etc/sane.d. The line should look like:
firmware /the/name/of/your/file/with/fully/qualified/path
Charles I trying both suggestions but nothing. One more thing about my question is
On Saturday 30 November 2002 20:21, Charles Philip Chan wrote: that before to execute the command "acerfirm ..." the scanner is recognized, but not working, as FlatbedScanner22 and after execute that command as FlatbedScanner23, that works fine. Thanks Thadeu