All, Patrick was having issues with ssh/sftp in MC on TW so I was troubleshooting on my TW install. The F1 "help" says mc will check ~/.ssh/known_hosts and use public/private keys. However, on first connection with mc, the password dialog is shown and a password is required. This doesn't fly if sshd/PasswordAuthentication is set to No to disable password auth. However on second connect, or reconnecting, to the remote with sftp, no password dialog is displayed. (key agent or something must be allowing it or some internal mc process) Should using the Left/Right menu "SFTP Link ..." command or connecting from the command-line in mc with: cd sftp://user@host:port/path/to use host public/private key-pairs on first connection? If so, is this a bug? Can somebody confirm on TW the behavior they see with mc. Thanks. If it is a bug I'll file it. Currently: doesn't show anything listed regarding this behavior. Though I can confirm behavior in: ( does not exit to current dir any longer) and (slow start on some boxes and not others) -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.