* Togan Muftuoglu <toganm@dinamizm.com> [Oct 28. 2002 11:08]:
before doing a "make -n install" either read the Makefile to see if there is something uninstall or just try "make uninstall"
He did not have his original configured sources from where he installed, so he might not be uninstalling correctly.
Sorry Mads but does not make sense to me, you have instructed him to get the sourceball configure and then make -n install, so rather then issuing make -n in I just suggested make uninstall. Unless I need more coffee I do not see a valid reason why not issue uninstall ?
Back then he might have configured it to install somewhere else, or similar. Then he might remove files he did not want to if he's reconfiguring with options not like before. If he knows the origianal configure options, then it's fine with make uninstall. But if he does not, a make -n install will tell him binary names he can locate with find. Automated-not-100%-percent-sure-about-uninstalls is just something I think should be handled with care. Anyway, it might just work with make uninstall. -- Mads Martin Jørgensen, http://mmj.dk [Favorite flag: Cloaking] "Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic and totally illogic, with just a little bit more effort?" -- A. P. J.