On 10-02-2024 08:55PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 10/2/24 8:22 PM, -pj via openSUSE Users wrote:
Hi, what I did have done, (for 6.10) series kernel. Was to download the seven individual .rpm files in your repo, located here: > https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/drankinatty:/branches:/home...
I did *not* have gcc nor kernel-devel kernel-default-devel packages installed. There were issues using zypper to install them initially.
Went to /Downloads/nvidia directory, then zypper in -f *.rpm then powercycled the machine. This worked well for the 6.10.5-1-default kernel which I am still using now.
Good deal,
Since the other repo updated the G05 package, I disabled my branch of the liguros/ repo - no need to duplicate.
You do need gcc AND kernel-devel, kernel-default-devel installed for the driver to build with kms on each kernel update. The closed source (all legacy G03, G04, G05 drivers) build their kernel modules against the kernel source. The kernel source will change with each kernel update. (now granted, if there is nothing that has changed w.r.t. I think you say that nothing has changed with 6.11 series kernel? I don't know what w.r.t means 🫥.
the nvidia driver, the old drivers will work with the new source), but that isn't the way kernel modules are loaded.
You have separate module directories for each kernel you install. (look in /usr/lib/modules/). In order for the nvidia drivers to be loaded by the kernel, they need to be built and placed in the updates directory, e.g.
Without gcc and the kernel-devel (source) packages installed, your system cannot build the kernel modules and populate the update directory with the required modules, e.g.
$ ls -1 /usr/lib/modules/6.11.0-1-default/updates/ nvidia-drm.ko nvidia-modeset.ko nvidia.ko
So you need to go ahead and install the require packages I have done so previously (if you are refering to packages gcc, kernel-devel and kernel-default-devel. I did not know of this before working with drankintty nvidia packages.
if you haven't already -- they should have been required as dependencies of the nvidia driver packages.
Progress Report: When I (just previously) enabled repository: > https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/drankinatty:/branches:/home... I then zypper dup in Konsole. Dracut seemed to complete. I powercycled the machine and was left at CLI login prompt in TTY. I powercycled the machine again and selected the 6.10.5-1-default kernel and was still left with CLI login prompt in TTY. I then rolled the machine back. To attempt this again should I reenable the repo, zypper dup and then see what is in /usr/lib/modules/6.11.0-1-default/updates/ ? How best for me to go forward troubleshooting? I am using the G05 series driver here.