Dne So 29. listopadu 2014 02:19:46, Carlos E. R. napsal(a):
On 2014-11-29 01:29, John Andersen wrote:
On 11/28/2014 04:07 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
YaST backup could, in theory, recover from bare bones.
Nobody I know has ever tried that.
Me neither. But I did investigate it long ago. It created an autoyast file, and with that you should be able to reconstruct the system. And then the backup replaces changed files.
I several times restored broken system using that module. It worked very well. It allowed to restore (selected) repositories, software, configuration, data, ... Very useful tool, indeed.
Recovery to Bare Metal is seldom practical unless you happen to have an exact replica machine laying around, but with today's disk naming default scheme (UUIDs) even that is fraught with peril.
That is irrelevant if the yast module is properly maintained, which it probably wasn't.
I haven't had any problem with UUIDs related with backups. No problems with transferring configuration to another machines. Yours, Vojtěch -- Vojtěch Zeisek Komunita openSUSE GNU/Linuxu Community of the openSUSE GNU/Linux http://www.opensuse.org/ http://trapa.cz/