On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 09:07 -0700, Carl William Spitzer IV wrote:
I am running out of space on this drive. I know I can just add another drive to the system and use cp to move the contents of /home as root But I want to know since this is not a install what file system would be best for the new /home ? I have heard some good things abour reiser file system do to with journaling and recovery. I forrmatted the partition when I created it on another system which had a windows utility just to be sure the drive was ok.
What I am unsure about is all the command line switches for mkreiserfs and weather I should use the defaults manually or use yast partitioner.
I have used the YaST partitioner to partition and format a new hard drive without doing a new install. The bonus side is that you can also have it mounted by the partitioner as well, kind of a one stop tool. Mike