Robert Lewis <rll@felton.felton.ca.us> wrote:
Well I went window shopping this weekend but I could not find any 5200 AGP cards locally. PCI versions were available.
I did find several version of the 6200 card which brings up another question.
What is the difference betwee a 6200 card and a 6t200 LE card? I found both 6200 LE and 6200 LE Turbo cards (which I knwo now to aviod).
I just spoke with EVGA to try and figure out the differences between the different offerings. Outside of the Turbo Cache versions they told me that the only differences are the packaging. That is LX , LE and L2 are all the same card. He said that if the part number is the same then the cards are the same. The last letters/digits at the end of the part number are only to distinguish packaging. Frankly I found this hard to believe because I found price differences ranging from $149.99 to $89.99 list. I told him this but he said no worries. Bob Hi Bob! I did try a 9200 card in my system but it does not seem to work very well with my motherboard (ABIT KT7A-RAID). I am now looking at an older MSI MX4000-T28 NVIDIA card as a possiblity. Do you have any knowledge or experience with this model?