Aaron Seelye wrote:
Ken Archer wrote:
Personally, I don't see that big a difference between 5.2 and 5.3. That is why I am waiting for 6.0. But on the subject of broken distributions, has anyone on this list taken a look recently at the erratta directory at ftp.redhat.com? They had 50 updates within two weeks after they released 5.1. SuSE people count your blessings. I don't like working for any distribution. SuSE is the first distribution that works for ME.
I absolutely agree. At my work, we run linux almost exclusively, and of course, they had to be redhat folks. well, i've tried to put ssh and many other necessary programs/daemons on it, but the only one that works well, the first time, every time, is my little p75 suse box. even though i don't have 5.3, im still looking forward to trying it out. what i would like to know, now that we've heard many opinions of the bad stuff, how about the improvements made?
Don't misunderstand....I have NO intention of giving up on SuSE's Linux! I just don't like broken distributions, no matter who produces them...including the junk from MickySoft! I had not seen KDE 1.0 till now.......NICE...VERY NICE indeed! Once the KDE spreadsheet and word processor are released, I'll be able to replace most of the Windoze crap at Cornell with SuSE. The learning curve for most of my users will be minimal, at worst! Fred -- - Windows 98 supports real multitasking - it can boot and crash simultaneously - Fred A. Miller, Systems Administrator Cornell Univ. Press Services fmiller@lightlink.com fm@cupserv.org - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e