here's something that may be worth a try...
1. boot disk 1 of your install set, and select installation (yes installation, don't chicken out yet) This will boot using the KERNEL ON THE DISK
2. when it prompts for the setup language, hit Abort It will give you a message that an error has occured, hit ok, and then take you thru a couple of menus
3. select Start installation or system>Boot installed system>Hard Drive, then choose the partition to boot from
What this does is boot YOUR system using the rescue kernel on the disk, rather than the "broken" kernel on your hard drive.
I have used this successfully to recover Novell's Linux Desktop (built on Suse 9.2), that had downloaded an incomplete set of kernel updates. (Exactly the same symptoms, getting dumped out to that prompt after "not found" 'ing hardware.)
This workes. Also the making a new HD the same as the first as was also sugested. I wish I had found this before I blew away my UnixWare and Windows 2000 disk. I had just finished the installation the same as the hosed disk. I tried this and it works. You have to do some fiddling. With I was able to boot the disk to continue and back up the data. I then put it back to the broken state and tried my other HD that I made exactly the same with 10.1 on it. I was also able to copy over the data to it and I was able to boot it and use smart to update it. So I now have two ways to fix a similar problem. Thanks to every one for the support and assistance in resolving this. Thanks, - -- Boyd Gerber <gerberb@zenez.com> ZENEZ 1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah 84047 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://quantumlab.net/pine_privacy_guard/ iD8DBQFEe6kdVtBjDid73eYRAg9LAJwMqer3rb+nQnBky3MwUkScX0wZtgCfUXdF iuwYHXZpy0x4Wriu9fjUn+s= =ThXd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----