On Wednesday 10 January 2001 05:20, EagleIce wrote:
On Wednesday 10 January 2001 03:11, Jerry Kreps wrote:
I am running KDE2 only and love it! For me it has been VERY stable.
Intially, there were/are some KDE programs that ran only under KDE1, or a mix of both. That is rapidly disappearing now. JLK
Which version of KDE2 is that?
The initial SuSE release of KDE 2.0, which included that *.sh to install. BUT, before I installed it I used rpm to remove all KDE1 software, and I also removed qt-1.45. Then I dl'd QtFree-2.2.0 and compiled it (easy to do, don't forget to add switches to include all the graphics!). THEN, I ran the SuSE KDE2.0 install script. Worked like a champ. Konqueror is great! Kmail and KNews work beautifully. Quanta+ is superbe! I lost a few apps, my favorites being KDevelop and BibleTime. QCad fonts don't show up.... But these are only temporary problems. They will be fixed long before W2K is as stable as their PR claims. (ie, run without prophylatic stealth reboots) JLK -- Scientific theories, according to Sir Karl Popper, can be "falsified," or proven wrong, by experiment. Unscientific theories -Marxist dialectical history and Freudian psychology were Popper's favorites- are formed in such a way that they cannot be falsified by data.