Op donderdag 4 september 2003 00:38, schreef Scott Jones:
On Wednesday 03 September 2003 17:22, James Ogley wrote:
If you installed XFce4 via apt, Ilkka's build should have added XFce4 to kdm at the bottom of the dropdown list. It should also have been added to gdm, xdm and wdm automatically. Don't forget to run SuSEconfig, then restart X to see these entries.
Is this in one of the 'usual' repositories?
Not yet. I suggested to Ilkka that he talk to Richard about being added.
If not, what would I need to add to my sources.list to be able to get it?
rpm http://students.oamk.fi/~olilju00 i386 xfce4 rpm-src http://students.oamk.fi/~olilju00 i386 xfce4
Ilkka just added a meta-RPM today to ease installation of the various needed packages.
The meta pkg is available and is very convenient, look at the following output: linux:~ # apt -s install xfce4 Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done The following extra packages will be installed: a2ps dbh gtk-xfce-engine libxfce4mcs libxfce4util libxfcegui4 xfce-mcs-manager xfce-mcs-plugins xfce-utils xfce4-iconbox xfce4-mixer xfce4-panel xfce4-systray xfce4-themes xfce4-toys xfce4-trigger-launcher xfdesktop xffm xffm-icons xfprint xfwm4 xfwm4-themes 0 packages upgraded, 23 newly installed, 0 removed and 0 not upgraded.
BTW, I've been meaning to let you know that your gnome theme packages work quite nicely with XFce4 (no need for gnome-settings-daemon). Thanks a bunch for all your work.
-- Scott Jones (scott at exti dot net)
-- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless