Yes , I am using an old P17 W 16 meg ram , pci slot with networkcard and isa for the modem. Forget suse on the router/firewall , go to and download and copy the router to a floppy , oinsert it and reboot. Fist time in boots it will go into set up mode where you can configure it all. there are help files and documentation as well as a technical suport list on as well. You may need to run the set up a few times to get it right. whats nice is ita all on the flopy , remove it and reboot , and the box is back to normal. Freesco has built in firewall as well. You then set the winodws boxes to see the router. You will need to install and set up tcp/ip for your network adapteers then (doubclick on NN) and set up DNS with the router name , and router name in DNS search order , workgroup , ip ect.. That way it will see the router and use it for lookups of www and dns/internt numbers. At 09:31 AM 1/19/2001 +0100, Kaare Rasmussen wrote:
Haven´t anobody tried to set up Linux as a Firewall / Router in a Windows environment?
The problem as described in my mail here, is that the clients on the LAN cannot see the servers in the DMZ as part of the Windows network (in Windows Explorer e.g.).
Do I have to drop Linux and set up another router?
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: SuSE as firewall/router for Windows Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:57:02 +0100 From: Kaare Rasmussen <> To:
I need to set up a SuSE Linux 7.0 as a firewall / router in a Windows environment.
I have configured /etc/rc.config.d/firewall.rc.config very standard, I think where I have the clients on the local side as 192.168.1.x. In the DMZ I have some servers (with public IP adresses) that I need to see as a Windows client. What do I do to make network browsing and the like work?
I thought that if I pointed to the external WINS server, it would work, but apparantly I need something else.
Can anyone tell me what that is?
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