Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:09:58 -0500 From: zentara <> Subject: Re: [SLE] wvdial Francesco Scaglioni wrote:
From: zentara <> Subject: Re: [SLE] wvdial Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 10:26:05 -0500
zentara> If it's an external modem,
Unfortunately its pcmcia - I suppose it could be 'ejected then inserted' either the hard way or via the commandline - would thathelp me?
When I woke up this morning after a good night's sleep, I remember a problem I had with my laptop pcmcia modem. The pcmcia modem was conflicting with the serial port irq. You have to disable in system bios the serial port that your pcmcia modem gets assigned at boot time. Watch the pcmcia boot messages, note which com port your pcmcia modem gets assigned, such as ttyS1 or ttyS2. Then disble the corresponding com port in your system bios. Or use a pcmcia utility to change the address and irq that gets assigned to your card.