tisdagen den 25 januari 2005 03.52 skrev Carlos E. R.:
But there is something I don't understand. Your IP belongs to your ISP. How do you ensure that yours is not blocked when your ISP's is? They surely belong to the same pool. Only if your IP is fixed, and listed as such, you have a chance, but the blacklists lists ranges, or do they block IP by IP?
There are many different blacklists. Some block whole ranges, some specific IPs. Some block forever, some block dynamically. Some use combinations thereof. -- !++ ! Lennart Börjeson ! Partner, Developer ! Cinnober Financial Technology AB ! Industrigatan 2A ! S-112 46 STOCKHOLM ! Sverige/Sweden/Schweden/Suède ! mailto:Lennart.Borjeson@cinnober.com ! phone:+46-8-50304717 ! gsm:+46-70-3394717 ! fax:+46-8-50304701 ! http://www.cinnober.com !--