* Felipe Alfaro Solana (felipe_alfaro@linuxmail.org) [030918 17:47]:
On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 02:16, Doug McGarrett wrote:
What does Gentoo have that SuSE doesn't, and why should one switch to the relativley unknown Linux? What does is do (or not not do) compared to SuSE?
That's a damn good question! Maybe more timely updates? ;-)
So a two hour turn around on OpenSSH wasn't good enough? I can say your never going to get the blood red bleeding edge stuff out of SuSE..it just won't happen. SuSE just isn't into that sort of thing. This would be why they patched OpenSSH 3.5p1 instead of just making 3.7.1p1 packages and letting the chips fall where they may. They know that things break and that us long time SLE'ers get REALLY pissed off when 1000's of emails come through with blah, blah and blah is broken. So they do try to keep that to a minimum. Thank God. Just do what I do..compile the src yourself and make rpm's. :) The Gentoo thing is that all of one's software has been optimised for whatever system it's running on because it's all been compiled by the user. It seems like a lot of work for those of us who actual have jobs, wives/husbands and just lives in general. :) It's all the hip thing now for some reason..it's not all uber corp. in nature. Or at least those are some of the reasons I've heard / read. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.