Hi Patrick and Jan: Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Russ <bigrig64@comcast.net> [01-25-04 20:36]:
I was wondering if it was possible to play a DVD in SuSE 9?
There has been much discussion (and recently) on this list about reading info and video from dvd's.
Since this is such a high volume list I am only able to deal with the posts that I am trying to do at the moment, and save some that I think I may be interested in later. I missed this discussion on DVD's. Anyway I went to the archives and searched around and found one with detailed instructions. Jan responded to my post with a set of those same instructions (thanks Jan). Anyway, some of the packages I was told I needed could not be found in the places I was told to find them. A quick google search and I was able to track down all the little buggers. Followed the instructions (sort of), well, eventually I got them all in there. Bottom line, it works :-) Thanks Russ