* Carlos E. R. <robin1.listas@tiscali.es> [09-21-03 09:20]:
The 03.09.21 at 11:15, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
I can't make mozilla see new mails fetched by fetchmail: I have to exit mozilla and reenter.
I just run a pop3 server, and set netscape to check locally only automatically, every 15 minutes or so. Works a treat. ;-)
Of course, that would work. But I have my setup so that I can use at least four mail clients on the same mail folders: Pine, balsa, kmail and mozilla/netscape (as documented on the unofficial suse faq). I can not allow mozilla to fetch mail himself, I do it with fetchmail-postfix-amavis-procmail-spamassassin.
Sure you can. Set delivery to a local spool file and have netscrape get it's mail from the spoolfile. Have all your mail clients get mail from the spool file. As long as all your clients are accessing the same mail-directory-scheem, it shouldn't make any difference which one retrieves the mail as long as they all retrieve from the same spool file and deliver to the same mail-directory-scheem ..... -- Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 http://wahoo.no-ip.org @ http://counter.li.org