I didn't pay any attention to where the RPM put the executable. It did however put it in /sbin. I disabled dhclient in yast and put chcpcd in /etc/rc.d/boot.local. Like this. /sbin/dhcpcd echo "Starting dhcpcd" And it worked. Damon Register wrote:
Jack Schneider wrote:
Help!!! I have tried everything I can find in How-to, Manuals, Yast etc. --- No Eth1 start-up.---- Lilo boot prompt, lilo: linux ether= 10,0x300,eth1 , doesn't work either rc.config looks OK.
Can someone walk me though the basics...???
I just went through this too. It seemed that the SuSE people messed up again. I found the solution on their support web site (sort of...) In /etc/modules.conf there was a line with alias eth0 off that had to be changed to alias eth0 3c59x (for my 3Com card) I just guessed that for the second card I would need a similar line for eth1. It worked
Damon Register
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