Is there anyone out there who is happy with reiserfs? On Feb 9, 2005, at 10:30 AM, Christopher Carlen wrote:
Rikard Johnels wrote:
Hi all! I have a client that have lost two 30 gig disks with a huge number of files he uses in a project. The server (Linux SuSE 9.1) suddenly hickuped, and when it came back there was files on the discs but no NFS. ('df showed about 75% usage of the discs) After restart of NFS a 'df' shows total use 1% and the files are gone By some reason (so far unknown) the disk is suddenly empty. They are created under Linux and uses ReiserFS, so he thought them to be "safe". (No he didn't back them up regardles of warnings from me) I did a 'dd if=/dev/hdc of=image.hdc and if i look at that file i can see all the data. I can find all filenames but the fat seems empty. Is there a safe way to try to restore the lost files? Parttitiontable is OK. ReiserFS in it self didn't complain about anything, and SMART didn't register any failing disks. Where shall i start to look?
I had a Suse 9.1 NFS served reiserfs blow up as well. Many files were recovered after using fsck, but the organization was clobbered and certainly no hope of booting it.
I won't use reiserfs again, as it appears many problems center around its use, but hardly any with ext2,3.
Good day!
-- ____________________________________ Christopher R. Carlen Principal Laser/Optical Technologist Sandia National Laboratories CA USA crcarle@sandia.gov
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