silence. Carter was the last President who cared for the little guy. Yea, I love to know that our nuclear weapons depend on the whims of a 12 year
On Thursday 25 December 2003 12:41 pOn Thursday 25 December 2003 12:41 PM, Brian Berrigan wrote: old girl. I also miss the long gas lines and having Iran hold Fellow Americans hostage. He may have cared but he had no clue as to how to fix anything other than the tax the hell out of the "little man". Massive unemployment, high taxes, and a tanked economy are the great things he did for the little fella.
2) GWBush has to be the dumbest bullshitter ever to step into the main ring of world politics; lying, g, moronic bullshitter; son of another dumb, lying, truth-manipulator; was not even elected...
I missed your Harvard degree to back up this liberal bullshit. Bush on the other hand really has one. I guess lying under oath is a better thing. We bombed a asprin factory to hide the lie of an affair. That was a Democrate President as I recall. Same group as Carter.
I don't intend to tell you that your faith, if any, is Bullshit so how dare you claim to be any better than him. At least he does try to show compasion for people who disagree with him unlike you. I'd rather have someone who weighs every decision against his faith. Let's face it I can believe that God cares about the things he creates easier than I can believe that if I blow up myself and a few more people that God is going to give me some virgins.
3) Washington DC has misused their armed forces very badly in Vietnam, in Grenada, South America, Somalia, now in Iraq; how long before the media and the parents of dead soldiers realize their children were sacrificed to promote a dumb, greedy, ill-conceived policy from the White House?
Washington DC has no armed forces. As the first words of a little document that founded this country state "We the people" have armed forces. That is the hardest concept for any non American to understand. We as Americans also misused OUR armed forces during WWII. We should have let Hitler destroy all of Europe and breed only his idea of the perfect race. Thowing the rest in the furnaces. For just a second trace your family roots and see if you would still be here to write this brain-less dribble. You seem to forget that for some reason the U.N wants to jump in and help every country that has a dispute. This means that the US is often forced to the front on many conflicts since WE are the only force the U.N has that can do the things that have to be done for peace. Other countries can indeed help the UN, but the brunt of the forces are almost always US troops. That is also often the reason we don't like to place our troops under UN control. We would rather control our own troops and their nuclear weapons in such conflicts. We have a little problem with making large areas of the world glow in the dark. What happens when you no longer can put the best-equipped
armed forces into the world trouble-spots? Time to wise up; this will surely come to pass in the next few years. Iraqis aren't shooting back because of Sadam; they are fed up with high-handed CIA/USA abuses.
The ones that are shooting are the same ones who helped to kill those buried in mass graves. I guess you approve of the killing of thousands of women and children for the soul enjoyment of a small group of people. Many of these are also the very same people who want to commit attacks on us at home. I'd rather the military kill them there than to have to kill them here.
4) The CIA atrocities (in Chechnya, Kosovo, Columbia, Nicaragua, etc) and foreign policy gaffes (try H Kissinger), that led up to the Sep 11 attacks are reaping what was sowed;
You're really showing you communist red streak. It's amazing that people who don't have a fucking clue as to what it is to be an American try so hard to tell us what we are and what we believe. Hell, you go to North Korea and deal with the little pip squeak with the nuclear bombs. Why is it when we do anything to protect Ourselves that we are being bullies, but when our troops land somewhere in a god forsaken country to save your asses we are doing the right thing. If every border law in the world was removed just where the hell do you really think people would go to? I'll give you three guess and the first two don't count. Now ask yourself why? There are people who flee Cuba and risk their lives every day to get into this terrible country. To bad you don't understand why. Try to live in some of these places that people are dying to get out of and maybe you will see that true freedom comes at a high price, but one that is worth any cost. It's also strange that in each case you give the US only went in at the request of the UN.
$0.40 dollars and the price of gold at $1200, should we expect to have more dumb, patriotic Americans flooding the WWW with threats (wrapped in their flag of course), & more dumb questions as to why this happened to 'us nice people'; why all the gold and jobs & trade profits are now flowing to China, Taiwan, Japan, etc? GWB's gamble is doomed...
China because their currency is far lower than any other major industrialized country. Taiwan as well , and there isn't that many things made in Japan anymore. I like the my flag, thank you very much. Maybe you should read some of the history on the meaning of our little flag. GWB is doing the one thing that always works. Keep money in the hands of consumers and keep the government out of the way of business and they will grow. We see now how countries in the EU are suffering in large part due to the social policies they have in place. It was just a few day ago that I heard the story about France offering to pay people to have kids because there wasn't enough people to pay taxes for the social programs they have in place.
5) Gimme a break; you greedy (only some...) assholes break every rule and law (yes, your own too), for some short-term gains and then wonder why world hatred of the USA has reached these regrettable heights. Just look at what you've done to the UN,
It's not greed, it's called wanting to improve our own lives. We believe each person has the right to be the best they can be. Once again this belief in the individual is something hard for some people to understand. Let's also not forget that many of these countries that hate us so much also love to take our money as aid in the billions. We could get rid of all our own debt in one year by not giving out aid to anyone. Then millions would dies of starvation, and sickness. I guess that is better? As I recall the UN was created by who???? If you are not willing to back up your own laws than who will ever take your threats seriously. Ask yourself if you walk by a mean dog every day that is chained do you ignore his barks? What do you do on the day that you walk by and see the chain and no dog?
to Canadian Free Trade in beef and lumber, to black American citizens, to the Oil suppliers, etc. Grow up> whiners; see what the rest of us have had to take! Buy a mirror...!
Canada signed the damn agreement. . They must have been smoking too much of that wackie weed to know what they were signing... I guess we held a gun to their head and once again it was Mr. Clinton who signed NAFTA into law. Let's also not forget that our friends from the north cross their borders all the time seeking to pay for medical care here. Isn't their's free?? We did what to black Americans?? The key word is Americans. Yes ancestors brought African slaves here against their will, yet the same is going on in the Congo right now. With members of the same race enslaving each other. We admitted we were wrong, but in this country any person is free to leave if they don't like the conditions here. Is this any different for the thousands of races that were enslaved in history? As I recall this type of behavior goes back beyond the Hebrews being enslaved by the Egyptions. I have sit back on this issue far to long. I mean no offense only to let you know that you may have opinions, but I (as a PROUD American) don't run you , your country, or you religion down. I waited till you attacked me and mine. This is a list for Linux user. We as a community help each other with problems each and every day. Where we come from never seems very important, we all get along and are thankful for any help. The Linux community can overcome the hate of race, nationality, or religious bisas. Why we as indiviuals can't pratice that same understanding is beyond my compreincation. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. -- G_REEPER Chance Favors The Prepared Mind...