On Saturday 26 November 2005 03:11 pm, Michael W Cocke wrote:
they discontinue the models that I use I'll reconsider. The only thing that I'm a fan of is equipment that doesn't make me crazy trying to make work... beyond that, I couldn't care less what the brand is or where it's made.
Well, this one is driving me crazy. I've been rebooting, rebuilding the rpm database, and trying yast->online update. If I only do a few packages, it doesn't hand before the end. Still, we're talking uptimes of less than ten minutes. I can't help but think there is some magic incantation that will make everything stable. Some setting in ACPI or the network driver (sklin98) that will stop the madness. This is contrast to my SuSE 5.3 server that still gets uptimes >365 days. Not all progress is progress, I guess. Paul Alfille