Hello, In the Message; Subject : automatic sleep of my computer Message-ID : <1aff7619-82c6-46c6-96b2-c6fc8460d0f9@gmail.com> Date & Time: Tue, 2 Jan 2024 16:32:00 +0100 [CBvN] == Constant Brouerius van Nidek <cbroueriusvannidek@gmail.com> has written: CBvN> Since some time the automatic sleep of my computer was CBvN> instructed to go in a sleep fase after 10 minutes of inactively. CBvN> As s0on as iI pressed my space bar I was back at my programs. CBvN> Do not know what happened but this setup does not work CBvN> CBanimore. How can I get back this praxis? The fact that it goes to sleep probably means that the Display has entered the energy saving mode according to the DPMS standard. If you run $ xset -q | grep -B 3 DPMS, you will see the following results; DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling): Standby: 310 Suspend: 311 Off: 312 DPMS is Enabled If DPMS is disabled, it will not enter energy saving mode. The command can be written in .bash_profile with; xset s off -dpms Best Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "The question of who holds the platform and whether the person or organisation holding it is trustworthy has serious and profound implications in these volatile times. Once trust is broken, it is extremely difficult to restore. It is necessary to diversify in advance." -- Financial Times --