The Nice Spider wrote:
i just tested TightVNC but this s/w can not show CURRENT user in suse linux. let's me explain: - in Linux PC, I login as root and open Firefox - i am using TightVNC for windows and logged to the Linux PC as root too, but what displayed in tightvnc is not the "current monitor", instead tightvnc open new connection, so I can not see the opened Firefox browser!
is there a way (or another s/w) that can show me the current user? like what i do when using Radmin ( and Symantec PcAnywhere.
VNC on your linux site will start a new X Server which you can see with a vnc viewer. If you want to see the firefox then you have to advise firefox with the DISPLAY settings to be displayed on the X server of the vnc. Example: start vnc on your box (vnc starts xserver on :1) and execute on your linux box $ export DISPLAY=localhost:1 $ firefox& And you should be able to see firefox through the vnc viewer or browser. You might have to do a xhost + localhost on your server :1 Ulf Rasch -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the archives at Please read the FAQs: