From waht I remember is that they actually covered trees in spaghetti and did it documentary style. I believe from mylimited memory on this tat they went to a village in the Alps, although I could be wrong here.
It was done with a serious tone :). Matt On Tue, 2 Apr 2002 Cleary_Mike@emc.com wrote:
Dave could probably explain it better, but it had to do with a television show in England (sometime back in the 60's I believe) which aired a documentary about harvesting spaghetti from trees. I only know about because my wife is English - but I can't remember the whole story right off...
I was just surprised to see it in Dave's email signature:)
Mike ------------------------------------------ Cleary_Mike@emc.com ------------------------------------------ "A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse.: - anon
-----Original Message----- From: Tom Wesley [mailto:tawesley@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 3:24 PM To: Dave Smith; suse-linux-e@suse.com Subject: Re: [SLE] The Linus Letter
On Tuesday 02 April 2002 8:31 am, Dave Smith wrote:
On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 02:57:50PM -0500, Cleary_Mike@emc.com wrote:
"Spaghetti growing on trees..." Kind of dating yourself aren't you? :)
No, the 'Spaghetti Incident' was 18 years before I was born, but it's so famous...
Anyway, I thought it might be fun to see how many people understood the comment... I'm quite lost?? 'Spaghetti Incident'????
Tom - -- While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
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