Addendum to last message: If I had an alt gr key, what would it do?
I have heard of the "alt gr" key before. Where is it on the keyboard? I have 2 alt keys, but no gr key. I have a standard pc kb. What am I missing? --doug
At 16:48 01/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
My Alt Gr key does not seem to be working anymore.
Problem is I can't say when it stopped working exactly. I have been fiddling quite a bit with my configuration after upgrading my motherboard, processor, memory and video card. Having problems configuring my ATI Expert 98, I installed Xfree 4.02 from the SuSe FTP site, and later went back to the original SuSe 7 Xfree 4. That might have done it.
I am running SuSe 7 with kde 2.01. The problem appears with all window managers.
The key works fine in console mode, so my keyboard definition (pc105 - be) is fine.
Can anyone offer a suggestion?
Fx Fraipont
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