On Wednesday 04 December 2002 2:56 am, Kevin Donnelly wrote: [...]
Now attach your device. The device in question was a Digital Dream l'espion digital camera, ... You should hear two beeps [...] an icon for Still Camera will have automagically appeared on the desktop.
Click on this, and then on the folder AEG Scan within, and viola! there are your pics. The simplest thing is to drag these into another folder, and then open them from there, because I can't figure out where the camera gets mounted - again, any enlightenment would be welcome.
check the file /etc/fstab -- when I plug in my camera [a sony handycam w/memory stick], the hotplug/usb service rewrites the /etc/fstab file with a mountpoint for the camera (well, memory stick actually) which the "mount" command can then use to locate the camera. Alternatively, you can right-click the new icon and check the "properties" for any clues as to what it is doing/mounting/accessing [this may depend on your desktop -- I'm presuming KDE] You might even be able to adjust this to force it to something that "makes sense" to you