Hi all on the lists ! even this is a IT-relatet list, I just will use it to ask everyone to hold on for a few minutes, and ask for attention for the victims of hurricane Katrina. about 10.000 people should have died as I've heard just in the news, and still hundrets of thousends need help ! even most of us here on the list may be outside the states and it may look like that we can't help - we can !! just have a look into your local news, it may be that there are some information where you can spend some money. even if you can spend only a few bucks. there are so many people who need help - now & quick. so look into the news, look for organisations trying to help ! if there is no special organisation at your place, look for the red cruise, because they will know at last where you can spend and help. this is no spam, as you may have already seen my name on mails here. I'm not related to any organisation that tries to make money with it. I'm just a person that is shoked about what happens. thanks for your audiance, regards, JBScout [Berlin, germany] PS: if someone feels uncomfortabel about this mail - please fell free to send me an eMail PRIVAT. no flame mails on this list. thanks.