Hi Ben, Thanks for the response.
My question is in respect to mailing images. What is the best way in linux to compress a jpg file, I apppreciate that there are various programs which will compress files or pack files into a zipped file, however this is for my wife who is less versed in most things technical.
Well, files such as jpgs are already compressed. You can use bzip2 or gzip to do this before attaching the file to an email but she will not make it much smaller at all. Even Winzip can't do this. If she wants to gather a bunch of files together to email to someone then she is most likely to use tar for this. And because she's not a techie. I guess it's your job to read the man pages for these utils. :)
Yep! It is my lot to read up on these issues :) ....
Is there a simple method of reducing the size of a jpg file using Gimp or another image software package that will enable her to save the image as a smaller file (jpg) and send it via email still in jpg format?
Well, regardless of what image editor (gimp, photoshop..etc) the size of the file depends on resolution, so if you have a 1600x1200 jpg and reduce it to 800x600 then it will be smaller. But a 1600x1200 jpg has a certain size depending on what dpi it was taken/scanned at. I would suggest having her play around with Gimp..specifically Gimp v2.0 which is just friggin lightyears above 1.2.x :)
Thanks for this I hadn't looked at the resolution issue, and that is obviously the key factor here as most the mailed images will only be looked at on a screen. I am still chasing my tail on the learning curve and Gimp, up until now has been overlooked. Loks like I had better have a closer loo.
Hope that helps a bit.
Yes, kindly appreciated. John __________ This email has been pre-scanned using the latest Anti Virus software for your peace of mind.