Darryl Gregorash wrote:
On 31/10/06 07:05, Basil Chupin wrote:
Darryl Gregorash wrote:
On 31/10/06 05:49, Basil Chupin wrote:
<snip> Here is what the wikipedia, in part, has to say about beta version: Basil, if you are relying on wikipedia as being definitive, I have some farmland to sell you -- about 350 km due east of Sydney :-) Not interested in farmland--there's a drought you know. But I'm in the market for a good Bridge, preferably with Harbour views, if you have something in this line.
Sorry, have no bridges. How about some beachfront property near Alice Springs?
What's the asking price? How much money do you have? :-)
(For Patrick: I have no idea where Anzac Hill is. I don't manage the beachfront property, I merely own it :) )
Given the number of open severe bugs I just found in the mozilla core alone, I have to say you are very lucky.
Rubbish. Name 50!
Here are only 33, all critical, all status "assigned" or "reopened", all for Linux/PC, all in the mozilla core: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=Core &long_desc_type=substring&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr &status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED &bug_severity=blocker&bug_severity=critical&rep_platform=PC&op_sys=Linux&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact &email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailtype2=exact&email2=&bugidtype=include &bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Bug+Number&field0-0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0= That is all one line, BTW. There are a further 43 bugs with severity=major, other criteria the same.
Is Yast not installed?
Yast2 Control Centre is but none of the YOU bits work. Each pretends to start then suddenly disappears. The YOU Software Management, eg, starts, states that it is preparing a list of software, announces that it is Downloading something (?the Source), then poof! just vanishes.
That is not good news. However, before you give up all hope, I noted just a minute ago that the 10.2 updates repository doesn't yet exist. Perhaps YOU is simply choking on a null field. It's still a rather large bug, but not necessarily a complete killer.