I have a problem that I occasionally see on all my systems, but is particularly nasty on systems which I remotely administer and cannot get to physically, easily. When I tell the system to reboot, something fails and instead of rebooting it effectively does what an init 3 would do, i.e. kills the KDE desktop and drops into the terminal console at a login in prompt. There is waits for input instead of continuing the shutdown process. I have fooled around with it at this point, logging in as root and then trying to issue a reboot or shutdown -r now command and I will see a broadcast message but at that point the system hangs completely and the only thing I can do is to physically reset or power cycle the computer. Thinking that a shutdown process may already be active, I have also tried shutdown -c now to cancel it, but always get a response saying that no shutdown pid could be found... Has anyone else seen this problem and is there a solution to it? I searched bugzilla but could not find any complaints about this issue, and since I am seeing it on several different computers, I find it hard to believe that I am the only one seeing it.. I am running openSuSE 11.2, x86_64 on all my systems. I also looked in /var/log/messages but see nothing that indicates a problem. Marc...