Thanks! It's all grist for the mill - will have a twiddle. Some useful stuff to have around e.g. on mozilla - which I've never quite got working with TT fonts. Seems like these are the most "challenging" issues in SuSE. I'm generally happy with the way it *looks* - when at least the system works :-) C. P.S. Also thanks to Dylan who solved my problem with USB Camera mounting. Would (should!) have got that one if I'd been more on the ball...
Hi Chris,
In my reading to fix a problem with getting TrueType fonts working corectly I came across details regarding LCD with AA.
Basically you have to add match edit rgba = bgr; to the ~/.xftconfig file. If this file does't exist just create it and add the above line to it.
Ref:- XFree86 Font De-uglification HOWTO Section Item 8 but recommend reading all the items in the above section as it covers many fixes that can be done to make the better on the eyes.
Graham Smith ---------------------------------------------------------