Hello: In openSUSE 15.3 I see a lot of packages indicated by red text in Yast software manager. This lead me to check my configured repos and I am puzzled by what I found. For example I have configured openSUSE Leap 15.3 OSS update repo as: https://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/15.3/oss I checked the above path and found that is does not have the update packages. For example it does not have any kernel updates. But I have updated kernel package installed: kernel-default-5.3.18-59.27.1.x86_64 which is shown red in Yast software manager, indicating that I have no repo configured that has that package. The updated kernel package was installed by Yast Online Update Tool before I manually adjusted the repos (as I did before in earlier openSUSE versions). I am now puzzled by where the updated packages indicated by red text came from. Why not the update/leap/15.3/oss path contains these updates? Where can I find the Leap 15.3 specific updated repo? I see under opensuse/update/ path there are leap/ openSUSE-current/ openSUSE-non-oss-current/ openSUSE-stable/ tumbleweed/ tumbleweed-non-oss/ paths, but there are no version numbers given. What is stable, what is current? Where are they defined? Thanks, Istvan