lynn wrote:
Th photos are on the server at That exports to the lan via nfs. nfs is slow then. that's why I don't thing nfs was ever designed to transmit over a wifi connection.
No IP protocol is designed for WiFi. They're designed to go over whatever is available. In your original message, I and others got the impression you were downloading via the internet and some even thought some mobile device, such as a phone. I assume you've got that WiFi router connected to the internet and you have other computers behind it, at least one wired and one via WiFi. Is that correct? WiFi bandwidth is variable, due to a lot of influences, such as signal strength and interference (from other WiFi or other devices). With 802.11g, the maximum bandwidth is 54 Mb/s, but that is reduced by half duplex and overhead. If you have a slow connection, you might not notice it, with interactive apps, but you could notice it on a large file transfer. What happens if you use Samba, FTP or other file transfer protocol? -- Use <> -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: