25 Mar
25 Mar
Have not used the floppy drive since quiet some time. As I wanted to mount the floppy I got the following info; Could not mount device. The reported error was: mount: only root can mount /dev/fd0 on /media/floppy Tried as as root and got the information; :/home/cons # mount /media/floppy mount: unknown filesystem type 'subfs' My fstab has following info about the floppy; /dev/fd0 /media/floppy subfs noauto,fs=floppyfss,procuid,nodev,nosuid,sync 0 0 Have in the meantime also tried to mount the floppy as vfat because I use them mostly as DrDOS media. No success either. Could somebody help me with this medium? Additional info; I am running 9.3 on a Pentium II with KDE 3.5.