27 Jun
27 Jun
Hi, You can make RPMs with check install package included with SuSE. just run "configure --your-options", "make", "checkinstall make install".
Right now, I'm making an RPM by taking a tarball and doing: rpm -tb tarballname.tar.gz
I have question - how you specify "configure --your-options" in this case? Additionally, there are several sites where you can downlad prebuilt RPMs for SuSE http://packman.links2linux.de/index.php4 http://www.funktronics.ca/pub http://www.usr-local-bin.org/ ********************************************* * Best Regards --- Andrei Verovski * * Personal Home Page * http://homepage.mac.com/MacGuruHQ/ * Mac, Linux, DTP, Development, IT WEB Site *********************************************