On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, EagleIce wrote:
I couldn't use the Netscape package shipped with SuSE 6.4 and 7.0, I don't know if SuSE or Netscape is to blame for that. With Caldera 2.4's Netscape in SuSE 6.4, and Mandrake 7.2's in SuSE 7.0 it's worked as well as any other application I use. There's nothing wrong with Messenger for those using only one e-mail account, and for people who don't know much about HTML; Composer is a good alternative. Is it possible that Caldera and Mandrake are doing a better job adjusting and/or integrating Netscape into their distribution than SuSE is?
I'd just like to say that my experience has been the opposite. In Caldera 2.4 I have frequent problems with Netscape locking up and/or closing all instances when I only wanted to close 1 instance. In SuSE 7, Netscape works great. Almost NEVER a problem. In both cases I am using the Netscape that came with the distro. *************************************************** Powered by SuSE Linux 7.0 Professional KMail Bryan S. Tyson bryantyson@earthlink.net ***************************************************