Possible solutions: 1. Panic! - not really a good idea. 2. Put each formula on a separate slide - might work. 3. Use LaTeX with slides package - still the best way to do formulas. 4. Write the formulas by hand on separate slides. 5. Take chalk/whiteboard pens with you and write the formulas up by hand. If I'm not mistaken, this is a physics presentation, in which case all these methods are acceptable if not actually encouraged. JDL PS. Probably not necessary to copy the message to people twice. Maura Edelweiss wrote:
I have some slides for a presentation created by StarOffice 5.2 When I print the ones with formulas to my EPSON printer (GIMPS &CUPS) it only prints out one of the formulas ...
I have the presentation on Sunday !!! I'm desperate .. as I cannot produce transparencies ..
Thank for your help.